
What is privacy?

Collections on Whyp have a privacy setting which you have control over. Read on to learn the differences and how you might use privacy settings on your collections.

Changing the privacy of a collectiom

You may change the privacy of a collection from the collection edit drawer.

Available privacy setting options


A public collection has the following characteristics:

  • visible on your profile to other users and to guests

  • can be found via the search page on Whyp

  • indexed by search engines

You might decide to make your collection public if you wish to have other Whyp users discover your content or you are using it to organise your tracks.

Private tracks you own within a public collection you own are visible to you but hidden from other users.

Private tracks from other users within a private collection you own are visible to you but hidden from other users.


A private collection has the following characteristics:

  • not visible on your profile to other users or to guests

  • cannot be found via the search page on Whyp

  • not indexed by search engines

  • URL contains a token which is required and cannot be guessed

You might decide to make your collection private if you wish to share it on an external platform or wish to organise private tracks.

Private tracks you own within a private collection you own are visible to you and other users.

Private tracks from other users within a private collection you own are visible to you but hidden from other users.

Refreshing a token for a private collection

Sometimes you might want to revoke access to a collection that you have previously shared without making it public or having to re-upload it. To do this, you can use the refresh token button in the share window. You will be asked to confirm before the token is refreshed.

Last updated