
What are tags?

Tags are small snippets of text that you can assign to your tracks, making it easier for others to find similar tracks.

For example, you might tag your track with "Podcast" and this would others searching for "Podcast" to discover your track.

Adding tags to a track

You may do this from the edit track drawer.

Copying tags from one track to another

Using the "Copy tags" button seen above, you can copy a list of tags to your clipboard. For the example above, the list looks like this:

[example] [whyp]

You can then go to any other track and paste from your clipboard into the tags text box. Whyp will automatically merge tags if they already exist.

Pasting tags from other sites

Some forums and sites have tags which you might want to paste into Whyp. If these are in the square brackets format ([tag1][tag2] [tag3] , spaces allowed), you can copy and paste them into Whyp. At the moment, the square brackets format is the only format supported for copy/paste.

Last updated